Fresh Fizz Sodas

Location :

United States

Client :

Fresh Fizz Sodas

Brand Refresh

Fresh Fizz Sodas have taken a novel approach to carbonated soft drinks: real food ingredients only. Nothing fake, and no unnecessary functional additives. Real food ingredients for a real soda. The purpose of the rebrand was to highlight this fresh and organic approach more prominently. The first step was to take it from a sleek can to a typical 12oz soda can format so that it read as a soda from any shelf. And when you are named Fresh Fizz Sodas, it's a rare opportunity for the design team to make the logo bigger from a true strategic standpoint. The wordmark was also hand drawn to give the brand a more organic and approachable sensibility. Every soda is made with only 4 or 5 ingredients, so we put those front and center in large text to make sure consumers know there is nothing hiding in the nutritional panel 8pt text. Color and ingredient illustrations help to pull people in to bold flavors like Sparkling Jalapeno Limeade, Hibiscus Ginger Ale, Sparkling Mint Lemonade, and Date Honey Cola.

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